Join One of Our Work Teams
Communications Team
Create/maintain a coordinated communication and social media platform. Looking for people with skills related to one of the following:
email Action Network
Social media sites: Facebook, twitter, Instagram
Video create/edit
Zoom skills
Writing skills
Media/Press Releases
Outreach Team
Grow WAPPC on three levels:
individuals in our WAPPC Action Network
regional committees in different areas of state
mobilizing partners:
faith communities
racial, social & environmental justice groups
Advocacy Team
Join with network of already existing advocacy organizations to impact legislation with:
State legislature
State congressional delegation
State senatorial delegation
Plan, organize and carry out actions. Mobilize for Mass Rally and March in DC on June 18, 2022. Looking for:
NVDA trainers
Culture and arts
Fundraising to send impacted people to DC
Volunteer to work on one of WAPPC’s work teams. Would involve attending regular calls and meetings, and taking ownership of specific roles, responsibilities, and leadership development. If you are interested in being on one of the four work teams, let us know what skills you would commit to bringing to the work: