Prioritize the needs of essential workers, people with disabilities, people of color and poor and low income people who have hit the hardest in this pandemic.
Expand Medicaid in every state, secure Medicare and work towards enacting a public universal health care option.
A council that will work with the Poor People’s Campaign to advocate for the Jubilee agenda and include directly impacted poor and low-income people, moral and religious leaders, economists and other policy advocates.
Prioritize the needs of essential workers, people with disabilities, people of color and poor and low income people who have hit the hardest in this pandemic.
14 Policy Priorities to Heal the Nation:
A Moral and Economic Agenda for the First 100 Days
On behalf of the 140 million poor and low-income people in the country, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival – and our 45 state coordinating committees, thousands of religious leaders, scholars, economists, advocates and hundreds of supporting organizations – insists that state legislatures, governors and the US Congress prioritize the following policies from the Poor People’s Jubilee Platform immediately.