Everybody's Got a Right to Live
We Rise:
A Movement Songbook
We Rise: A Movement Songbook draws on a rich history of social movement music, both old and new. From Spirituals to Labor songs, from Freedom Songs of the Civil Rights Movement to the music rising up from our struggles today, this compilation of movement music is meant to give people ways to join. To remember. To affirm. To honor. To rage. To celebrate. To practice new ways of being in relationship with one another and the earth. To envision and create a world that is just and habitable for future generations.
We offer this songbook as a gift to the movement in hopes that the practice of raising our voices together will enable us to honor our pasts, learn from one another, and begin to envision a just society where Everybody and Being has a Right to Live.
Music: The Soul of the Movement
A compilation of movement music from the Poor People's Campaign:
A National Call for Moral Revival.
Somebody's Hurting my Brother
A New Unsettling Force
Everybody's Got a Right to Live
Everybody's got a right to live, and before this Campaign fails, we'll all go down to jail! Join the #PoorPeoplesCampaign for 40 days of sustained, nonviolent moral fusion direct action beginning this spring on Mother's Day! Sign up online at poorpeoplescampaign.org!
Everybody Rises - Matthew David Morris
Matthew David Morris wrote this song for the June 23, 2018 Moral March on Washington that closed out our 40 Days of Action and launched the national organizing drive of the Poor People's Campaign: A Nation Call for Moral Revival. This recording was from the opening of the Thursday evening Tent Revival on the National Mall in Washington D.C.
"Our People Gonna Rise"
- Emma's Revolution with Reggie Harriss
Our People Gonna Rise
Our people gonna rise
Our people gonna rise
Listen to our cries, through the pain and lies
Our people gonna rise
Our people gonna sing
Our people gonna sing
In spite of everything, hear our freedom ring
Our people gonna sing
Our people gonna fight
Our people gonna fight
For what we know is right, we’ll march into the night
Our people gonna fight
Our people gonna grieve
Our people gonna grieve
Whatever you believe, we have the right to breathe
Our people gonna grieve
Our people gonna pray
Our people gonna pray
Try to take our rights away, see you on election day
Our people gonna pray
Our people gonna rise
Our people gonna rise
Listen to our cries, through the pain and lies
Our people gonna rise
Our People Gonna Rise
We wrote "Our People Gonna Rise" for #PoorPeoplesCampaign and #JusticeforFloyd and recorded it with our friend and wonderful singer, songwriter, storyteller and activist, Reggie Harris. Our People Gonna Rise © 2020 Pat Humphries/ Sandy Opatow Moving Forward Music/ BMI emmasrevolution.com
Everybody's Got a Right to Live
Vocals - Charon Hribar, Ciara Taylor, Pauline Pisano
Spoken Word - Lu Aya
Sound Engineering - Kevin Salem
Video Production - Andrew Johnson