How to Become a
Regional Committee of the Washington State
Poor People's Campaign
Our first WAPPC regional committee in the Lower Columbia area of the state was born in March of 2021 with the help of members of Longview Presbyterian Church in Longview, WA. Since then it has been growing in strength and numbers. To contact them: lcppc.wa@gmail.com
The WAPPC regional committee in Grays Harbor County, partnered with Chaplains on the Harbor, stands alongside the poor of the county who have lost resources, land, and spirit, to support people in jail and on the streets, healing, and the leadership and expertise of poor people, and to build regenerative community ownership through community-led social enterprise and job creation. To contact them: revsarahmonroe@yahoo.com
A new WAPPC regional committee is forming in the Tacoma/Pierce County area! If you want to be part of building power and organizing Pierce County from the bottom up, contact: David Galazin, davidgalazin@gmail.com
A new Seattle Regional Committe, anchored by faith and labor leaders, is forming. If you want to be part of building the movement in Seattle and planning several local actions/events during the week of June 18, contact: Rev. Katie Ladd, thewellqueenanne@gmail.com
A new WAPPC SnoKing Regional Committee is forming. If you want to be part of building the movement in the urban growth areas north of Seattle in King and Snohomish Counties from Shoreline to Everett, contact: SnoKingPPC@gmail.com
If you do, there are WAPPC folks in those areas who are interested in starting regional committee. Let us know if you are interested in connecting with them: washington@poorpeoplescampaign.org
Regional Committees are comprised of people who are doing the work to develop local, independent, and accountable teams for the Washington State Poor People’s Campaign. Your Regional Committee could be your neighborhood, your city, or even your county. It can start at your kitchen table, your faith community, your union, etc. A Regional Committee has 5-10 solid, dedicated Local Organizers, and 1 or 2 Chairpersons who represent your Regional Committee on the Statewide Coordinating Committee.
If you are interested in forming a committee in your area, please contact us at washington@poorpeoplescampaign.org and ask for the 2021 WA Poor People’s Campaign Regional Committee Guide.
Once you have a solid Regional Committee, you will be doing the work of the Campaign in your area. You will seek to identify how the Five Evils are impacting people in your community. You will build relationships with, center the voices, and empower the leadership of people who have been impacted by these evils. You will begin to hold your local governments and officials accountable. This and so much more is what awaits you as a Regional Committee of the Washington State Poor People’s Campaign. If you have the desire to start a Regional Committee, we can provide you with the resources and the support you need to make it happen.
2021 WA Poor People’s Campaign Regional Committee Guide
What is a Regional Committee of the Poor People’s Campaign?
A Regional Committee of the Poor People’s Campaign is a locally organized arm of the state Campaign that is both independent AND in an accountable relationship with the state and national Campaign.
This is ideally the end-state of the process that individuals can begin when they express a desire to take an active role in the Campaign. The steps to becoming a Regional Committee are often: 1.) taking steps to promote the state and national actions and events in your community and areas of influence, 2.) identify and build relationships with local people who are also supportive of the campaign, 3.) form an informal chapter of the Campaign, 4) begin a conversation with the Coordinating Committee to start a Regional Committee. For more information, please email: washington@poorpeoplescampaign.org.
Goals of the Regional Committee
Practice the fundamental principles of the Poor People’s Campaign in your area:
Rooted in moral, ethical and constitutional values
Builds unity and leadership among those most impacted by systemic racism, poverty, militarism, and ecological devastation
Committed to equal protection under the law, dismantling of systemic racism, ending poverty, protecting the earth, and replacing the war economy with a peace economy
Confronts false narratives that blame the poor or perpetuate a myth of scarcity.
Builds a justice-centered moral narrative and rejects the misuse of religion and scripture to marginalize and demonize women, LGBTQIA+ persons, immigrants, people with disabilities, workers, and the poor.
Recognizes the centrality of systemic racism and white supremacy in maintaining economic exploitation.
Builds power at the state and local level.
Is non-partisan and does not include candidates or elected officials in leadership roles or as speakers at events.
Committed to nonviolence.
Engage the poor and those most impacted by the four evils- systemic racism, poverty, militarism and ecological devastation - and their organizations in every step of the work.
Note: This does NOT mean token representation. We are seeking active engagement and commitment from leaders and organizations of people in communities most impacted by the four evils/oppressions, including (but not limited to): People of color, the poor, LGBTQIA+, people with disabilities, non-Christians and people of no faith.
Using direct action, political education, and arts and culture, build unity and leadership that reflects and deepens the vision and strategy of the Poor People’s Campaign.
Facilitates deep connections of solidarity between the local community and other communities throughout the state and nation.
Tasks of the Regional Committee
Base building: Organize outreach in your region, prioritizing directly impacted people and organizations through
Identifying and engaging the organizations that have a base of people impacted by the four evils and invite them to join the Campaign
Identifying and engaging allies and other organizations that share a commitment to the principles of the campaign
Engage in activities such as Poor People’s Hearings, public meetings, political education events, one-on-ones, and canvassing
Political Education: Developing skills, knowledge, and building collective analysis through study and exchange of ideas
Contribute to developing and implementing the statewide strategy of the WA Poor People’s Campaign.
Nominate a representative to serve on the statewide Coordinating Committee
Give feedback on proposals from the Sub Committees and Coordinating Committee
Make proposals to the Sub-Committees and Coordinating Committee
Implement the collective priorities and activities of the statewide campaign
Regional committees should determine a structure that meets their particular local/regional needs and goals. While the details of the structure are up to your group, there are some guidelines that must be followed in order to affiliate with the statewide Poor People’s Campaign.
The committee must affirm the regional committee goals stated above.
The leadership and membership must reflect the campaign principles in terms of representation of and accountability to directly impacted communities.
The committee must establish a clear and transparent decision making process and a method of internal communication that ensures transparency and collectivity.
The Regional Committee must be in an accountable relationship with the Coordinating Committee. This includes participation in regular calls and staying in communication.
Becoming a Regional Committee
To form a regional committee, contact washington@poorpeoplescampaign.org. We will work with your group to help you meet these guidelines and get connected to the statewide campaign structure.
For more information, email us at: washington@poorpeoplescampaign.org or by filling out the information below.